Our homes
Oak Creek Place
Oak Creek Place is a transition foster home for foster girls ages 16-22. The focus of this home is to provide thorough life-skills training, a full and completed education, and a strong sense of belonging to a Christ-centric community.
Based in McKinney, Texas Oak Creek Place is the first of a growing network of homes meeting the needs of transitioning foster youth. Each will be given the opportunity for success through mentoring, life-skills training, faith-focused interaction, and educational guidance. Additionally, each member will receive healthcare, career preparation and guidance, and support in establishing permanency.
Our hope is for each young woman to build deep, meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging that continues throughout life.
The young women of OCP (Oak Creek Place) will be given the opportunity to pursue a high school diploma, acquire technical and vocational training, and/or associate and bachelor degrees through local colleges.
Beyond their time at Oak Creek Place, residents will be provided additional support securing their first vehicle, and the usual necessities and furnishings as they move into a life of stability. Most importantly, our hope is for each young woman to build deep, meaningful relationships, and a sense of belonging that continues throughout life.
Oak Creek Place is located in McKinney, Texas. The facility is 3200 sq ft with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.
Features of the residence include individual bedrooms with shared bathrooms, a computer/study center, conference area, exceptional outdoor space, and spacious living areas.

Heritage House
Heritage House is a foster transition home for pregnant girls ages 16-22 who are still in the foster care program. This special home is focused on helping young women navigate through an important life experience, and to provide a secure beginning to life for their young children.
Also based in McKinney, Texas, Heritage House is the second home in the growing network of homes for transitioning foster youth. Opening of Heritage House will take place on September 1, 2019 and will house 3 mothers and 3 infants.

Brotherhood, a home for young men, opened in November 2020. Also, a transition home, Brotherhood is targeted to help young men ages 15-22 who are aging out of care.