About Direction 61:3
DIRECTION61:3 is a faith-based organization purposed with helping youth transition from foster care into society as thriving adults.
While recognizing the need for physical, emotional, and educational support among aging out foster youth, our highest priority is to direct all participants towards a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe this to be foundational in finding permanence and is the precedent for a successful future. Registered with the state of Texas in 2017, this ministry has full non-profit status as a 501c3 organization and was licensed in December 2020 by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services as a Child Placing Agency.
career preparation, life-skills, and the building and establishment of life changing relationships
We practice a holistic approach to aging-out by engaging foster youth in their teens, helping them during the transition process with career preparation, life-skills, and the building and establishment of life changing relationships. At the completion of their educational and relational goals we support them in career placement, the acquisition of affordable independent living, and the owning of their first car through our transportation initiative.
Most importantly however, we are a family whose ultimate goal is to establish permanent belonging for all residents. Primary to our ministry, this purposeful sense of belonging will carry our now established young adults throughout their lifetime.

…provide for those who grieve to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:3
Preparing to Age-Out
We consider the building of relationships with foster youth prior to aging-out as an imperative to success.
Engaging foster youth in their late teens can be invaluable towards the establishment of a positive life trajectory. We consider the building of relationships with foster youth prior to aging-out as an imperative to success. Special events, skills and career assessments, fun-days, and foster family support are all components to helping foster youth prepare for their transition out of the foster care system.
Affordable and stable housing is paramount for youth aging out of the foster care system. At DIRECTION61:3 we provide such housing, which in turn allows our young adults the freedom to focus on necessary skills/education essential to becoming self-sufficient. Our housing incorporates a comprehensive approach that extends beyond simply a place to live, but provides and promotes a sense of HOME. Moving forward, we envision a network of housing facilities across North Texas with specific attention given to communities where current housing support is not available.
DIRECTION61:3 desires to create a “village” of support for each young person we serve.
DIRECTION61:3 desires to create a “village” of support for each young person we serve. We value and embrace the building of trust inherent to lasting relationships. And although at times difficult, we are committed to providing consistency and the investment of time fundamental to successful relationships. These ideals are key to long-term healing and transformation not only in the lives of foster youth, but also in the lives of all individuals, families, and communities. We place high value in building trust in and between our residents/staff. Ultimately, we desire a sense of belonging and community that lasts throughout life.
A major focus of DIRECTION61:3 will be to facilitate practical and academic skills. Through partnerships with local colleges, trade schools, and businesses, each resident will have the support and resources needed to establish and pursue their career goals. A large focus will also be generated towards the development of our residents to reaching their full potential as healthy, productive adults. Supportive services will include life skills training, tutoring, mentorships, and peer interaction. Additionally, opportunities for on the job training will be available in certain situations through local business partners.
Of particular importance is the transition into permanence beyond one’s time with DIRECTION61:3. It is our hope therefore to help each young adult in their efforts to secure housing and to find belonging in a local community of faith. All residents will be considered family and invited/encouraged to participate in regular ongoing events beyond their tenure with DIRECTION61:3… Simply stated, we believe in lifelong community.
Kingdom Cars
In today’s culture it is nearly impossible to secure and maintain any job or go to school without reliable transportation. KINGDOM CARS is a program whereby cars or designated funds are donated to Direction61:3. Our Kingdom Cars team prepares the vehicles for youth enrolled in the Kingdom Cars program.
Once youth have completed the required proficiencies a car is awarded to them with a contractual agreement to remain in the program for an additional year. Prior to the acquisition of a vehicle youth will be taught how to acquire a license, the car buying process, purchasing insurance, the understanding of car maintenance, etc. To gift a vehicle or to designate to Kingdom Cars please contact Myron Wilson. myron@direction613.org
THRIVE is a uniquely designed curriculum that incorporates the participation of local professional volunteers and leaders. Life-skills training, tutoring, adult mentors, friends, and business partners who train and offer employment are all facets of this dynamic formula for the success of our transitioning foster youth.
- a family environment that promotes love and acceptance without judgment
- the realization of individual strengths and the celebration of goals attained
- a deep sense of belonging that permeates the life of every young woman
- the opportunity for young men and women to embrace and live in everlasting faith
- life-long community and permanence