Get Involved!
Much of what we do is supported through the efforts of volunteerism. Simply stated, without great volunteers the DIRECTION61:3 vision and ministry would not be possible.
With the recent developing ministry in Denton, the acquisition of the 4 acre FARM in McKinney, and the newly acquired contract with the State of Texas, there are more ways than ever to become a committed volunteer and/or partner. We need you!
We’re so honored that you have an interest in working with Direction61:3. For the safety of our residents, we have 3 Levels of Volunteers. If you have any further questions, please reach out to Meredith Roberts (meredith@direction613.org) for more information.
Level 1 Volunteers
- Administration, Special Events
- Meal Team, Parent Partners,
- Home Maintenance, Car Mechanics
- D613 Ambassador
- Learn More
Level 2 Volunteers
- Life Skills Teacher
- Bible Discussion Leader
- Transportation
- Tutor
- Learn More
LEVEL 3 Volunteers
- Mentor
- Respite Care
- House Sitter
- Learn More
*Volunteer opportunities are listed based on level of qualifications, not priority
LEVEL 1 Individual Volunteers
DESCRIPTION: Administration, Special Events, Meal Team, Parent Partner, D613 Ambassador, Maintenance Team, Power Team, Car Mechanics. These volunteers are primarily working alongside the D61:3 staff. May involve minimal engagement with residents only when staff are present.
Requires D613 Volunteer Registration.
Assist D613 staff with administrative tasks on an as-needed basis such as stuffing mailers, running errands, helping at the office, etc.
Serve at our annual special events including golf tournament, BBQ and Bingo, and Christmas concert. No special training is required.
Examples: set up, ushering, parking, breakdown, decorating, ticket sales, and hospitality.
Provide a meal or snacks for the weekly Tuesday night THRIVE group, week-night meals for homes, or other special events. This can be a one-time or on a monthly basis. This is a great ministry for a local business or church group.
Our desire is for each parent to have a team of supporters specifically assigned to their needs as a foster parent. Participants on this team are asked to do three things: Pray, Encourage and Celebrate.
Pray for your foster parent, encourage them through cards, texts, a gift card, or face to face coffee, and lastly celebrate with them in the great moments.
Work directly with the Executive Director to raise awareness of the Direction61:3 ministry.
This involves 3 meetings a year and the desire to communicate to others via email, coffee, lunch etc.
Direction61:3 takes donations of vehicles. Our Kingdom Cars team members are skilled in auto-mechanics and work to repair cars for designation to youth when they complete their proficiencies.
Help with movement of donated furniture into foster homes.
Time Commitment: This team would be on call for one Thursday evening or Saturday morning each month to help with transportation of donated goods.
Should be able to lift furniture with a team and ideally would have a truck (trailer would also be helpful) to transport goods.
Help with the ongoing maintenance of our facilities. This team shares in maintaining all D61:3 properties and is accomplished from an as available scheduling process.
Skills range moderate handy man to professional volunteers and includes anything from cleaning gutters to minor remodeling. Positions include, but are not limited to:
- Professional Tradesman: Assist with the maintenance of facilities from a professional standpoint (i.e., Electrical, carpentry, car mechanics, etc.). Works with staff on an as-available scheduling process
- Moderate Handyman: Assist with the maintenance of facilities on a limited scale. Works with staff on an as-available scheduling process.
- Farm Clean Team: Volunteers assist with the maintenance of the immediate property around the Farm office on a rotating schedule. Duties include general landscaping and/or interior cleaning of the office space.
LEVEL 2 Individual Volunteers
DESCRIPTION: Life Skills Teacher, Bible Discussion Leader. Includes occasional contact with residents in limited capacity and most likely with D61:3 staff present.
REQUIRES: Application & Faith Statement, Interview, DFPS Background Check & Fingerprinting, Volunteer Training
Volunteers will work directly with the residents to provide practical life skills training in a specific field of interest and/or expertise during the weekly Tuesday night THRIVE program.
Time Commitment: This position can be on a one-time basis or on a monthly rotation.
- Willing to create and share curriculum with the D61:3 staff, if needed, prior to teaching
- Must be able to teach during the regularly scheduled Tues night THRIVE program (McKinney: Tues Evenings 4:30 – 6:30, Denton: Tues Evenings 6:00 – 8:00)
Volunteers will work directly with the residents by teaching or engaging in a bible devotional during the weekly Tuesday night Thrive program.
Time Commitment: This position can be on a one-time basis or on a monthly rotation.
- Willing to create and share curriculum with the D61:3 staff, if needed, prior to teaching
- Must be able to teach during the regularly scheduled THRIVE program (McKinney: Tues Evenings 4:30 – 6:30, Denton: Tues Evenings 6:00 – 8:00)
Education is one of the highest priorities for our residents. Each home will have a specific number of tutors.
Time Commitment:
- Able to visit the student on a weekly or bi-weekly basis
- Able to commit to a full semester
Many of our youth do not have their license yet or they do not have reliable transportation. Therefore, our parents spend much of their time providing rides to the multiple youth in their care. We are looking for a team of transportation volunteers to share the need of transporting residents to church, work, and/or school related activities.
Needs for rides will vary and is flexible. Volunteers will communicate directly with a house parent to schedule rides.
LEVEL 3 Individual Volunteers
DESCRIPTION: Respite Care Provider, Mentor, Transportation Team, Tutor. Includes regular or scheduled contact with residents apart from the supervision of D61:3 staff.
REQUIRES: Application & Faith Statement, Interview, DFPS Background Check & Fingerprinting, Volunteer Training and attendance at at least one THRIVE night. Must provide a copy of Drivers License, Social Security Card, and Proof of Auto Insurance.
House Sitter
Provide short-term supervision of residents while the house parent is away. This allows our House Parents the flexibility, when needed, to do things such as schedule appointments, attend Bible Study, grab dinner with a friend, etc. This volunteer position is hugely beneficial to our House Parents. Please consider helping us serve our House Parents in this way!
2-4 hours maximum. House Sitters schedule will vary and is flexible. It may look like any of the below:
- Week Night
- Saturday or Sunday
- No more than 4 hours maximum.
Provide short term and over-night supervision of residents while the house parent is away. Our House Parents diligently pour into the residents in their care, and we want to pour into them as well. Allowing them the occasional night away is hugely beneficial for all, and safe guards against burn out. Please consider helping serve our House Parents in this way!
Respite schedule will vary and is flexible. It may look like any of the below:
- During the day (generally a few hours at a time)
- Overnight care at the ministry home (number of nights based on need)
- Emergency situation (sit at the hospital with a resident, to give the house parent a break)
Volunteers will come alongside a resident through a 1:1 relationship focused on guiding the resident toward a personal relationship with Christ, finding a sense of belonging, and achieving personal goals, such as academic success and job readiness.
Time Commitment:
- Willing to commit to a 1-year relationship with their mentee
- Must communicate with their mentee on a weekly basis (via phone, text, or in person)
- Must be able to meet with their mentee in person bi-weekly for a minimum of 1-hour
- Must be willing to set aside time on a quarterly basis for a fun outing with their mentee
*For all Level 3 Volunteers, Please note that the safety of our residents is of course a high priority. Many of our residents are minors according to Texas law. Thus, the ability for volunteers to contribute must be determined and supervised by our professional staff, in conjunction with the Department of Family and Protective Services
guidelines, and the D61:3 board.
Church or Business PARTNERS
Are you a church or business that is interested in partnering with our organization? If so, please email Michelle Graham to get connected (allie@direction613.org)
Opportunities include, but are not limited to the below. If your group or volunteer has an idea not listed below, we’d love to hear it!
- Event Sponsorship
- Home Sponsorship
- Sponsoring Recreational Outings for Residents
- Giving of your time related to your field (i.e. counselor, swim coach, mechanic, professional electrician, etc.)
Do you have a group or organization that would like to get involved? If so, please email Meredith Roberts to get connected (meredith@direction613.org)
Opportunities include, but are not limited to the below. If your group or volunteer has an idea not listed below, we’d love to hear it!
- Attend D613 Serve Days (landscaping, painting, etc.)
- Home or Office Cleaning
- Welcome baskets for new residents
- Writing notes of encouragement to House Parents and/or Residents
- Stock the Pantry Drives (non-perishable food items, toilet paper, laundry detergent, paper plates, etc.)
- Gift Card Drives (Walmart, Fast Food, Restaurants, Main Event, Movie Theatres, etc.)
- Shop our Amazon Wishlist (click here)